Wednesday, June 4, 2008

back when i was in high school and college...

how is it already june??? seriously. when did that happen! kids alive is in a month and 10 days. this has been a major stress for me lately, especially with rima being in sudan right now- literally EVERYTHING is on my shoulders for this event to be successful. this is not what i was expecting when i "signed up". i'm honestly really happy to be doing kids alive this year and it's going to be great, but it's a whole lot to try to do on my own. the deadline is now in the foreseeable future, not just a date. it's getting to the point where there is no room to slack off and take a break from it. i have to focus my attention which is really hard to do right now. there is so much going on- finals, my best friend moving, the general excitement of summer (including jeff coming home, yay!), and the everyday things that don't tend to stop when i feel overwhelmed/stressed (aka work, school, random events etc).
i'm just excited to be done with june, get into the meat of july, and then be able to relax.

**last night was a ridiculously fun night filled with way too much laughter and complete insanity that i really needed and enjoyed :) [courtesy of beck, marianne, elisabeth, and melin (and of course claude...what a good fellow) also, i think some credit should go to the RIP pops man, shotgun!! men, and the "greetings" crew]


Marianne said...

it was just a good time and a half. elis pretty much took the cake with the highschool and college remark.
yes, it was an enjoyable filled several hours.

now,, what is the "meat of july" in reference to? i'm a little thrown off.

i'll be praying for you about the kids alive thing. i can imagine you're feeling stressed. you just let me know if you want me to perhaps be a guest speaker one of the days and teach kids the fundamentals of basketball and what its like being in the wnba...

bailee.b said...

yeah june completely snuck [i know it's not a word] up on me too! holy banoly batman, weird!
but i know everything is going to come together for kids alive and while it's crunch time and stress time, i know your hard work and dedication will pay off! i'm proud of you in taking this project on, and i'll continue to pray for you in the final days leading up!

and glad you had a night full of deserve those!
love and miss ya!

Molly Alyssum said...

the meat of july? like.... hamburgers....? because 'meat of july' makes me think of warm, oozing, raw ground beef on a counter top... and in that case, why don't we just skip july altogether.

becky said...

so basically... i like you lauree... and i like laughing my face off with you. :)

Jaynee~ said...

remember how it's june and cruch time? soon it will be a memory and your senior project will be mostly complete! you can do it and it will be awesome. you have a whole team of people cheering you on and working beside you. lean on them and Jesus of course. i'm here to help in any way i can.
i'm so proud of how you have "done" this school year & how you are growing in your faith and I love that you have awesome friends to go through life with.