Friday, April 18, 2008

i'm a girl

okay, i'm going to try to tackle these stories in order of comments...except those of you who said all of them ha. sorry it's taken so long to post again. most of you probably know what's been going on with my grandpa and that's been consuming a lot of my time. thankfully, he's been doing a LOT better and hopefully that will continue.

let me start off this story by saying that i really only pulled the "i'm a girl" card a couple times. here are some pictures of me working, just to prove it :)

we helped build 8 trusses!

ignore my face :)

okay, so now that i feel like i've proven myself a little bit i will go into more of a story/explanation.
it was my full intent to capitalize on the fact that i was the only high school girl going on this trip. why not?? :)
so the very first day, we got to the job site and jeff brady was telling people what they could help with and when he got to bailee and i, he suggested that we leave the job site and go work in the kitchen to prepare breakfast. what a brilliant idea! we were getting out of physical work already. we got to the kitchen and really had no way to communicate (nancy was there to help translate a little bit but she was running around doing other things to make breakfast etc.) with the ladies or ask them how we could help, so we pretty much just stood there. then one of the women came up to me (note: she didn't go up to bailee [aka JUMBO]) and asked if i was hungry. i'm never hungry, but said yes because that's obviously the polite thing to do and partially because "si" is usually the go-to answer when you aren't sure what to say in spanish ha. so about two minutes later the woman comes back with a plate full of breakfast for me. she served it to me about 10 or 15 minutes before anyone else...i would assume because i'm small and probably look, to them, like i need to eat :)
what does this have to do with being a girl? well...the guys came a few minutes later, after working for probably about an hour moving bricks and supplies and i had already eaten, having done nothing at all except watch and stand awkwardly. oh what a life :)

now, i really feel the need to say that i don't recall very many times (or even one time?) where i just said, "no i can't do this, i'm a girl..."
BUT... my lovely friend bailee definitely won some heaven points and creepy points by telling the boys how amazing they were for all of the hard work they were doing, as well as how funny, manly, strong, etc. they were. and i think the amount of times she did that is
probably enough to blanket for me, or even the entire female population. haha it makes me proud.

[i think i remember once saying that i didn't want to do something because i was tired and one of the guys did it for me, but i really don't remember it. anyone know what that was? it's bugging me now.]

so this wasn't really the best story, sorry jer and everyone who read it. but the moral is, if you're a girl, you get the easier work and food first even (and especially) when you don't deserve it :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

choose your own adventure, honduras style

so i want to blog about a lot of different things about the trip but i DON'T want to #1 be boring and #2 be sitting here typing for 12 hours straight.

so here's what i've decided to do- i'm going to post a list of possible blog topics and you can leave a comment about which ones you want to hear more about. some will be really quick stories or jokes and others may take some further explanation. pictures will be included with each specific post. i'll try to write about as many as you ask for. so leave comments and tell me what to write about, and for those of you who went on the trip, enjoy the memories and laughs that will be sparked from this list [and remind me if i forget anything]! :)
  • the process of building the church
  • the first service in the church
  • traveling- bus rides, airports, etc
  • papa leslie
  • brothers in roatan
  • serio!
  • i'm a girl
  • "we call those 'players' in america"
  • how many times will glen say gringos?
  • women will go to hell if they wear jeans...
  • molestation monster
  • i hope you have more than 5 minutes of happiness
  • the clap
  • matrimonia??