Monday, October 1, 2007


How can you write songs so full of truth and not come close to applying that truth to your life?

Why do you try to lie when you aren’t good at hiding the truth?

How can you try to back up what you say by twisting God’s word?

Why are you ruining your career with such a gross habit?

Why am I so low on your list? Is it because I’m young? Or am I just stupid?

How can I love you and miss you so much, when you’ve done these things to me and the people i love?

I’m not as dumb as you may think, so how can you take 7 months to talk to me?

Oh wait, apparently you knew and wanted to talk to me, but you just didn’t have the guts…?

i've just been thinking a lot lately and needed to vent a bit. thanks.

(you may not find this to be your typical "vent," but it was enough to make me feel better :)


In A Tidal Wave said...

Venting is a good thing to do.

btw - I like the christmas picture.

Anonymous said...

Love you Lauree....Im here, just down the street, you can come over any time and escape. Thats what big sisters are for. =)

Marianne said...

are you trying to sound like dwight in the title of this post? haha.
i think the "venting",\ as you call it is perfectly healthy. sometimes you need to just let it out. take it from a model who knows ;)

Dave said...

It's more than venting. it's poetry. Real feelings shared from a real heart.

Then again sometimes it's more like throwing up all over, yuck!

Anonymous said...

When I read this it made me think of what Beaud used to say about Tinkerbell. :}
I love you girl. You are the best ever. Maybe a shopping trip is in order?