Saturday, October 6, 2007

overwhelming seems to be a good word to sum up my past week

oh man. what a week it's been. i don't really even know where to start. how about with my grandparents.
first off, my g-ma went into the hospital last week because she had pnenomia (right before my parents left for spokane) putting a ton of extra stress on my mom. a few days after going into the hospital, they let my g-ma go home. we couldn't tell if this was a good thing because she didn't seem to be much better. her meds made her hallucinate a little bit which is kinda scary. it turned out to not be a good thing at all. she was back in the ER in less than 24 hours of being home. this time she went up to Saint Pete's though. she was up there until monday and went straight to fir lane from there, which is where she still is.
now for my g-pa. he and my mom were sitting in my grandma's room at fir lane when he all of a sudden couldn't see right or remember things that he should remember. so my mom took him over to the hospital to make sure he was all right. this was on wednesday night. the doctors told my mom that since she brought him in so quickly they were able to stop a stroke from happening. he did end up having a blockage in his corroded (sp) artery though. to fix that problem, he needed surgery. so, he got sent to saint pete's and had surgery on thursday. everything went smoothly, but it was just scary and sad to have both grandparents in the hospital/nursing home at the same time. my grandpa gets to come home tomorrow (sunday). yay! my grandma will be at fir lane for a while longer though.
this whole situation has definately brought lots of stress to our house. i think (or at least feel like) i've only seen my mom for like 12 hours the past week. i miss having everyone at the house when i get home from wherever i've been, but recently i've come home from school or work and my mom's been gone somewhere.
it's hard to see both of my grandparents sick at the same time. it was uplifting to see my g-pa tonight though. he looks really good and is moving around on his own really well.
school has also been pretty tough this week. i've had lots of homework and lots of stress in other ways. i had a math test on monday and tuesday. math is my least favorite, and worst, subject so when i have a test i totally stress and worry. i feel like i did ok on most of the test, but there was a section that i know i did horribly on. i know this because he let our whole class have a chance to re-take it, meaning that nobody did very well on it. our chances to re-take were thurs. and fri. before and after school. i wasn't able to go after school on thurs. and forgot in the mornings. so that left friday afternoon. well, i work on fridays until 4:30ish. so i was sitting at work and realized at about 2:15 that this was my only chance to improve the grade that i was sure needed improvement. so i told natalie what was going on and she told me it was ok to go, so i did.
i couldn't answer a SINGLE one of the questions. not one! i was so mad. i think it was mostly because i rushed to get there and by the time i did get there, i had about 20 mins to finish all of the questions, so i was flustered and never really started thinking clearly. so i wasted an hour of my time that could have been spent at work, where, for some reason i had an extremely busy day.
i got back to work and i wasn't able to finish and leave until 7:00! that's crazy. i'm usually done by 4:30 or earlier, but for some reason, i had a lot more time consuming things to do in preparation for sunday. it was a horrible day.
one more thing about my last week-
i had a sociology quiz over the 1st chapter of our book. the quiz closed on wednesday night and i wasn't ready to take it. i had done most of my reading/studying (which took a long time) but i just wasn't quite ready. well, i took it and did fine. i got a 4 out of 5. it was 10 q's but each question was only worth 1/2 point. i did ok, like i said, but i was upset because you are supposed to finish the quiz in 10 mins or less and a timer is supposed to be on the screen somewhere, but mine didn't show up, so i finished it in like 11 mins. hopefully i don't end up getting points taken off. i think this just added stress because it was a lot of reading to do and it was my first online quiz, so i wasn't quite sure how it was all going to work.
anyway, that was my busy and tiring week. i hope this next week is a little more smooth.


..Leah.. said...

I'm sorry little lauree, I know its really hard to see grandparents starting to get sick and be in the hospital a lot, i've had to go through it before too. I hope they're doing fine now though. :)

kristen said...

:) I'm glad your g-pa is doing better. i'll be praying for your family and stress and such :(

here's a little lyrical encouragement:

"all you can do is keep breathing"

In A Tidal Wave said...

Hope next week goes smoothly for ya. Stress isn't a fun thing.

[note - Sure, i'll come hang out with you while yo housesitting. Just myspace me n we'll figure it out.]

Unknown said...

math sucks.

our grandparents both being sick sucks.

workin late sucks.

Hope you can relax today - watch some football, eat some junk food, take a nap ;-)

Anonymous said... was a very stressful week indeed. i am so glad to lean on the Lord and that he can be trusted to love us and lead us in just the right ways. even when it comes to math and doddling little old ladies.
i love you and have missed you too.

Anonymous said...

I'll help you with your math! (if you want) I have a degree in math, so if you ever want help, I am more than willing!!