Thursday, September 20, 2007

How Come?

have you ever wondered about this phrase?
i'm sure everyone has said it before, but if you think about the words, they don't make sense together. how come?
why not just say why?
for some reason i've been thinking about this lately. it doesn't matter, it's just an odd thing.

on another subject...
i feel like fall is finally here.
i have completed my first puzzle (500 pieces in one afternoon), football is on all the time, it's getting dark earlier, the weather is getting worse, and i'm going to school.
i think as it gets dark earlier, it's easier for me to grasp the fact that fall really is here and there's nothing i can do about it. and at the same time, it really makes me look forward to fall really starting and winter coming. i love it.
i love looking out the window and seeing that it's totally dark and then thinking, "oh shoot, i have to go to bed soon" then realizing that it's only 9:30 or something. it's awesome.
and football....i look forward to the fall and winter days to come that i can just sit at home in my sweats for an entire unproductive saturday and watch football nonstop while doing a puzzle. that, my friends, could just possibly be the most relaxing thing ever.
i love football. it is the epitome of fall in my mind. i remember once, a few years ago, i actually cried when football season ended. ridiculous. i know.
and to all of you who hate football and plan on writing me comments on how dumb a sport it is...suck it up, deal with it, it's the best.


anita said...

how come? jk
i love football if it consists of one of the following:
shelton highclimbers
huskies, in a in there is nothing else to do...

becky said...

i have recently been thinking of trying to aquire an appreciation for football.
we'll see if i take it far enough to actually watch a game. haha. :)

Unknown said...

...only 9:30?

Heck, dark or not, when i see 9:30 i thing bed time.

Maybe im getting old.

Then again, when i see 5am its time to get up.

Anonymous said...

here's your anti-football comment:

i HATE football!


soooooo boring...

maybe you just like watching these enormously buff (seemingly stuffed) men running around in tight pants??

just searching for a reason...

thoughts of an elbow said...

yes, that is definately the reason!
how did you know?

Anonymous said...

I love Fall.
I love football.
I kinda like puzzles.
Sounds like we're on the same page.
How Come?

kristen said...

how come you like football?
how come you like fall?
how come you always sneeze when you call?

AJ said...

I think most people cry when football season ends, I guess their are really sad or really happy.(my sister and bro)

Kaylee said...

So, wow! You are about the speediest comment leaver I have ever seen. I hadn't even finished editing my latest post and you had already left a message!!! Thanks for the messages! I'm going to link you on my blog. Hope you don't mind!

thoughts of an elbow said...

i'm not always that fast, but i saw that you had written one, so i read it and i almost always leave comments.
link away! i don't mind!

Marianne said...

you're funny :)
and i love football too so i won't be giving you any grief.
i've never cried at the end of a season though, this is potential mocking material i sense. haha

kristi said...

wow. all i have to say is...
11 comments, you must be popular! :)

oh, and i think i'm almost done dying. i should be back to the world soon.

Jami said...

Hannah has a cheerleading outfit that I'm sure she will wear at a football game... only problem for you is that its WSU. GO COUGS!!!!!!

Summer said...

I love FALL, but not the rain.
Fall is beautiful. It's really hard for me to get motivated when the days are so dark and short though.

I like football season, but it just reminds me of being a kid hanging with my dad on a Sunday afternoon. So, more nostalgic than really liking football.

Miss you too Lauree!

bailee.b said...

fall scmall! well im going to go bodyboarding tomorrow at the beach and pretend that it's still summer! hope you enjoy your sentimental fall feelings :) although i could go for a puzzle, a football game, and school supplies shopping :)