Thursday, January 24, 2008

sorry it's been so long...

(i think i'm done with the song thing for now)

so i'm in a ridiculously good mood right now.
why? honestly, i'm not completely sure. i'm just happy.
the plane tickets for honduras were purchased today. that's great and just makes the trip feel so much more real. i can't wait! it's going to be so much fun and there will be lots to learn.

there's a lot going on in my life right now that's really exciting to me. i've started reading the Bible a lot more lately and it's been amazing. God has been showing me a ton of stuff about myself and just life in general and i don't even have words to describe what i'm feeling. it's so great. i've realized that pretty much all of these exciting things are related somehow to my growing relationship with God. i will write more about what all of these things are, but not now...simply because i'm still praying about them and making sure they're the right choices and what God really wants me to proceed with.

i've seen some pretty massive changes in my attitude and behavior in the past few weeks and i'm loving it. it's amazing what you can learn when you let God in and ask Him to guide you.

i'm really excited to post some more specific blogs. hopefully it'll happen this weekend. right now i just need to focus on my dumb math final. ha


becky said...

sounds fabulous! god is good... to state the obvious.

um. we never did dinner?

perhaps soon. :) (i don't mean that as vague as it sounds. haha!)

Marianne said...

i look foward to your specific blogs :)
you make my heart sing!

kristen said...

pretty excited. woot.

..Leah.. said...

I love seeing you happy and excited. Seriously, its awesome. The other day when you were soo happy i was having a lame day, and you just made me happier. So thanks :) Im excited for you.

In A Tidal Wave said...

You know, you should be grateful that you aren't one of those people that post blogs every hour about the last hour. O-o make sense? prolly not.