Monday, January 28, 2008

Cornel West

today in my english 102 class we watched a speech given by Cornel West. (if you haven't heard of him, go find him on youtube and listen to a speech or interview or something. he's amazing.) this particular speech was about being part of a progressive movement in america that works toward removing dogmas duch as white supremacy, male dominance, religious discrimination, homophobia etc. from society and essentially creating equality for everyone.
this is the general focus of our entire class this quarter which is pretty interesting to me, but could potentially be something i get tired of because it's becoming something we talk too much about and can't seem to find a way to do anything about it.
i really enjoyed the speech. West was so passionate and fiery about everything he was saying. he wants to make huge changes in society and i think it's great that he is willing to pour himself into something that most people would render hopeless at first glance. as a christian, he brings religion into the picture in a different way than many speakers would. he essentially says that people need to show the compassion and love that Jesus showed throughout his life and that without that love and compassion, nothing can be done to better the situation we are in.
i thought this was really cool because it was a challenge to me (or any other christian listening to him speak). we, as christians, need to be the leaders in showing love and compassion to everyone. we need to be the first to set aside our differences and be compassionate and loving to anyone and everyone we come in contact with so that the rest of the world can see and follow that example.
that's what i was left with after english today. not what i expected to take out of that class today...but i'm glad i did.

let me just say one more thing...
i love black people. seriously. they are my favorite. i am going to marry a black man. mark my words. :)
they are so passionate about what they believe and they're not afraid to talk about it. how many white people do you see with that same passion and attitude about things? honestly, i can't think of many white people who will stand up for what they believe in and tell you what you don't want to hear even when you need to. this is one of the things i loved so much about visiting jeff's church. there was no sugar coating and you left with the feeling that you needed to change something about your life for the better. conviction? hm.

1 comment:

Molly said...

i remember that video. that speech was awesome. i read a book he wrote.... what was it was really good...