Thursday, November 8, 2007

get up and see the sarcasm in my eyes

this is just an accumulation of things that have been on my mind recently.

last night my family went to jon and jo's for dinner. it was very fun and the food was great. we went for my dad's birthday. it's weird to think about how our family celebrations keep shrinking in size. we usually get together with all of my dad's side of the family for his birthday and my mom's side for hers. (that should have been obvious, but i decided to explain) this year, we are having a very small party/desert with aunt shell and my grandparents. that's it. it suddenly decreased from 12(?) people to 6. uncle ron won't be able to join us since he will be working, so i guess there really should be 7. but it's weird for me. i'm suddenly the only young one in the group! humph.

on another note- i'm going to be in honor society, so i have the "induction" (not a fan of this word...) tonight. it's pretty cool to be part of. it pays to be a teacher's pet! ;)

has anyone else noticed that thanksgiving is in 2 WEEKS!?!?

hhhwow. that came really fast! i think it's a good fast, though. i love the holiday season. i hope that since it came fast that doesn't mean it will leave fast too, though. i can't wait to start getting out the christmas stuff. it makes me so happy to think about!

i'm excited for this weekend. i'm taking my first excursion to olympia without either of my parents in the car :) i will have the freedom to speed at my discretion, turn the music up as loud as i want, and text A LOT while driving. i follow the examples that have been set for me by the wonderful influences in my life.

i really like sarcasm. it's a gift.

i think i'm going to purchase some toms. here is a picture of my favorite ones. tell me what you think.

i get to have coffee with kristen this sunday. i can't wait. i haven't seen the lovely kristen in a very long time. it will be great fun to catch up and, i'm sure, enjoy many laughs.

i think that's all i have for now.


.justin said...

and at only $10 a shoe... who can complain?

little kid-os in [insert location of next shoe drop here] will be sooo happy that you look sooo coool in your new sweet loooking shoooes.

.justin said...


robbie williams.



i win again.

thoughts of an elbow said...

you ruin all the fun.

and thank you for the guilt- as if it hadn't already entered my brain.

kristen said...

love the shoes!

.excited to see you this sunday!

.congrats on honor society. nerd. :)

becky said...

just consider nerdy-ness a super power...that's what i helps me to be able to look at my face in the mirror. ;)

remember...if we weren't 40 years we'd be the ones snapping pictures of random menu boards. ;)

Anonymous said...

I know you put that bit in about the "food being great" for my sake.....Next time instead of watching me like a hawk I'll draft you to do some of the dirty work. =) Hope your trip to Oly goes well.

bailee.b said...

hhwow. your mom must have prayed long and hard to allow you to venture out alone to the big city ;)
but [for the record] i would NEVER condone texting while driving, speeding, OR listening to music too loudly so take my advice on that and don't do it!
way to go on the INDUCTION to the smarty pants society :) i guess bringing an apple everyday to your teachers actually does pay off!
[dawn and i were making fun the inductees yesterday *wink*]
my comment is now longer than your post [and the number of people in your family, ha] so i'll finish it up with this:

Anonymous said...

* i wonder where you got your "gift" of sarcasm?
* you've ALWAYS been the youngest at those gatherings...duh!
* jon and jo's was a blast.
* the shoes are for your feet not mine and kudos for helping the kidlets.
* i can't wait for thanksgiving dinner, christmas tree hunting, decorating, music and movies !!!
* my buttons are popping with pride for my little miss honor society. seriously!!
* go ahead and speed, crank up the music and text all you want! even put your leg out the window...just watch the driving PRIVILAGE fall right through your fingers!
;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

kristi said...

Be sure to pick up any hitch-hikers.

Then when you tell your parents about the music, texting, etc you can just finish with the hitch-hiker. They'll be so amazed at your kindness they will forget about your other "poor choices". :)

..Leah.. said...

Hey nerd-o congrats on the honor society. I remember being boooring! haha Mr. Lewis was hilarious out mine though so it was cool. How did dinner with your dad go? The line "It pays off to be a teachers pet" made me laugh because theres a song that says that but its talking about something toootally different so it was funny. Ill tell you later. Im excited for kristen to come home this weekend, dont hog her though ;) Well, later weirdo

Molly said...

DON'T TEXT AND DRIVE!!!! You WILL die.. and i really don't have the time to mourn over your mangled body so if you could please NOT murder yourself this Saturday, I would really appreciate it.
Speeding+loud music= the reason highways were built.
I think i'm going to 'buy' TOMS for Christmas. "buy" meaning, tell my parents to buy them for Christmas.

one time my dad picked up a hitchhiker carrying an axe... don't do that please.