Thursday, November 15, 2007

old dirt road, knee deep snow...

i lost all of the motivation i had earlier today. i was planning to do so much. this seems to happen to me all the time. i feel like i want to get a ton done, but as soon as i start to do it i lose all of my motivation. luckily this time, none of it needs to be done right away. i was just going to get it done before the weekend started....maybe i will get motivation later tonight when i turn on the christmas music! :)

have a good night!


Danny said...

I think this happens to everybody, I know it happens to myself all the time. Pressure seems to be a good motivator to combat procrastination, but maybe christmas music is good too.

bailee.b said...

mushaboom by feist.
Leslie Feist (born February 13, 1976 in Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada, North America) is a Canadian singer-songwriter. She performs as a solo artist under the name Feist and as a member of Broken Social Scene.
[that should be several lauree points]

i won't suggest the same things my professor (bill ransom) suggested to help with the writing process, but i understand getting motivation and then getting distracted or just losing it.
listen to the Christmas music, decorate, and pretend to be "savage"

thoughts of an elbow said...

haha! thanks for the biography! too bad i was too lazy to do that myself. :) you do get some extra lauree points i think.
and i would prefer the suggestion of your professor...ridiculous. haha.

kristen said...

feist. great music.

Anonymous said...

i think you are just plain feisty...hahahah lucky you that its genetic.

Molly said...

senior year: that times 894.

i've stopped brushing my hair. i am sooooooooooooooooooo unmotivated

Marianne said...

welcome to my life.
i never get anything done.
glad you're in the same boat.
haha, not. get out before its too late!!!
and did you say christmas lights??? its not even thanksgiving!!

Marianne said...

oh, christmas music. well, just as bad!

thoughts of an elbow said...

well...i did put christmas lights up in my room the other night...maybe a little early, but i love them!