Sunday, October 7, 2007

a couple mysteries of life

mystery #1:
why do walkers need brakes!?
i mean, seriously, if you need a walker, why would you be going fast enough that you need brakes to stop yourself!

mystery #2:
why do old people choose the ugliest colors to go together and think they're pretty?
example: my grandma was telling me about how she's going to paint one of the rooms in her house. these were her color choices- a light sage for the walls and lavender and white trim! she then went on to say how excited she was and asked me if i thought it was going to be pretty. my reply was that i wouldn't know until i saw it. i couldn't be rude and just tell her it was going to look horrible! but, really, lavender and sage?? i don't know, maybe i really will change my mind when i see it.

mystery #3:
why do cats feel like it's ok to sit on your lap or rub up against you all the time?
i guess this isn't really a mystery because i know the exact answer to it. BECAUSE CATS ARE STUPID!!!
i really do hate them. they think they are so great and they just gross me out. there's always something in their fur and their paws are always wet and think they are your best friend. dumb animals.


In A Tidal Wave said...

walkers need brakes because...because...I duno.

...who thinks up names for colors? "Sage"? ...what color is sage? ...if I looked it up on google I'd probably know. But, i'm kinda it'll just be a mystery to me.

Anonymous said...

walkers have brakes so that when people need to stand still for a bit the wheels don't slip away out of control and the poor little old person doesn't end up flat on their face. NOT a good thing ;}

.justin said...

that's hott.

...walkers w/ brakes?!


kristi said...

i kind of hate my cat lately.
wow. never thought i would say that. maybe you are rubbing off on me. :)

bailee.b said...

cats are very stupid! amen!

but I do think you could combine mystery #1 with mystery #2 when walkers are decorated with cut open tennis balls for stoppers...that's a good mystery to research...who came up with that marvelous and fashionable idea? :)

Ryan said...

Cats aren't stupid... all pets are stupid!

Seriously, I hate all pets... I am even starting to despise Maddie's fish... I mean seriously, can't they just feed themselves and clean their own freaking tank?!?!

kristen said...

haha lavendar and sage could be pulled off but it's a rarity...oh man i can just picture it in my head. lot's of frumpiness for sure. haha wait, what happened to the pink room? i can just imagine the paint color being "dusty rose". you know what i'm saying?

cats: i've only met a few that i could stand, but those few were pretty cool. Dogs are way cooler though

kristen said...
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Kaylee said...

Hey Lauree! Remember my cat that you used to have to deal with when you babysat B and W???? Sammy was sort of like a cat too. ha ha. Well at least you got paid! Wasn't she annoying?? Rachel adoopted my cat when I moved. You should read her blogs about Scooter!!!

..Leah.. said...

Geez you're rude. I hope a cat attacks you. (jk i dont wish that for you, but maybe you should show them a little respect or they will team up against you and scratch the crap out of you) lol :)

becky said...

mystery #1...why do walkers need breaks??

if an old person is walking down a steep grade...with all of their groceries that they just got from "safeways" and they are on the "handlebars" of the thing...and a swift wind picks up...are they able to stop the momentum themselves??? i think not. walkers have breaks to stop all old people from ending up in heaps at the bottoms of large hills.

Carl and Susan Chase said...

?#1 is hilarious!!!!!!!!