Tuesday, September 11, 2007


HS classes:

running start classes (begins 24th):
english 101
sociology (online)

my schedule is great.
i can still work.
i can see my friends.
i can do stuff during the day time.
all in all great...so far.

the first day didn't seem like it should have been here.
i didn't get the butterflies of excitement or nervousness like i have in the past.
maybe that comes with getting older.
i still don't feel like i have to go to school every day. it's very weird.


Dave said...

welcome to the world of "getting older" not "grown-up". Because you never want to stop being a toys -r-us kid!

Molly said...

i'm glad your schedule is chill. mine was/is not. I feel like it's never allowed to be! JUST SAY NO!!!

Anonymous said...

do you have your sociology book yet?

i have one from a couple of yrs ago, but think that they still use it. it was a new issue that year.

let me know