Monday, August 20, 2007

Rained out

As you probably know, my family has been camping for about a week. i didn't really want to be there for the majority of the time, but i did enjoy being outside and at the river. i also enjoyed being able to drive into town on my own. since i didn't really want to be there, i used this privelege a couple of times.
beau came out to stay with us for a night. this was extremely tiring, but he had a lot of fun. i taught him how to skip rocks, which i am very proud of. i really like teaching little kids new things and seeing how excited they get when they can do it. (probably why i want to be a teacher...) i took beau on a pretty good bike ride for a 5 year old. we also went floating down the river in our little boat, after which we got into a splash fight. i won.
as i said in my last post, i am trying to take more pictures of everything i do. so i did take some pictures of the river. i don't know how they turned out yet, but hopefully i'll post them soon.
i also had rachel out to the campsite to spend the night. that was great. we haven't hung out all summer and it was really good to catch up.
i slept in the trailer last night because of the rain and the lack of knowledge about the rain fly/how to assemble it. i borrowed .justin and kristi's tent because my got lost (any help?) and i couldn't figure out how to get the rain fly on, so it let a little bit of water through the sides. it was quite a surprise the first night after it rained to climb into my tent and put my hand in a puddle...
anyway, i slept in the trailer from then on and this morning i was awakened by my parents talking- one of the most annoying ways to wake up! they were talking about the rain and decided it was time to come home because the weather wasn't getting any better. all of this was fine with me, except for the fact that it was 8:35 and they decided then was the time to get up, get dressed, and go out in the rain to retrieve all of our things and pack up. thankfully they let me stay in bed for a little while longer, but then i had to get out of the coziness and pack up all of the wet things outside. not enjoyable.
all of that to say, that for one of the first times i can remember, the rain has actually chased us away from camping.
we're leaving on saturday for eastern washington where there is bound to be more dependable weather...i hope. i'm really excited for the fresh fruit over there.
i think i'm gonna be painting my room on wednesday or thursday. my dad and i are going to buy the paint tonight. i'm pretty excited, but that does mean i have to clean my room...lame. i do enjoy having a clean room, but it's just a lot of trouble for something that i know will only stay clean for a week (if even that).
[mom- you are not allowed to make any comments on that last part :)]

sorry if i rambled a lot in this post...i really have no idea what i said.


anita said...

see that's the thing about rooms...they stay clean, IF you keep them's not like a one time deal where you clean it and then never have to do it's kind of a never-ending process...but then, your mom's probably already told you that! lol

Sara Hansen said...

man, you and your family are such hard core campers! my parents are wuses... have fun in eastern washington!

kristi said...

i love reading about what you've been doing! i feel out of touch with you since i haven't seen you in so long!

Anonymous said...

this is the mother not commenting on the room...but looking forward to the 'new look' :)
camping was fun in spite of the rain. we had some nice campfires and lots of laughter at dad's expense and a bit at mine. the elbow is a good sport!

Anonymous said...

My thought on clean rooms: They are messy 'cause we live there.