Monday, August 20, 2007


I did it! i'm posting pictures!

the part of the river next our campsite

a big log jam

the bridge

sandy swimming

beau chased the stick too

one of the best pictures- we really were falling over
sandy totally won!

so there are my best pictures. some of the others didn't turn out well.
i really want to get a new camera that has a WAY better zoom and a WAY bigger view screen.
i also want to get a good photo program on our computer so i can edit the pictures.

(maybe a camera that takes film so that i can order a ton of film and not get it on time and then UPS can ___________!!! right beckles?)


Sara Hansen said...

you know what's SO crazy? if you look back at our schaffer pics from A LONG time ago, they look exactly the same! we must have had the same campsite, because I totally recognize some of those!

kristi said...

i think its really funny that you have someones "behind" in the picture of sandy swimming!

thoughts of an elbow said...

ya...i knew it was there, i just didn't do anything about it :)

Anonymous said... seeing way to many logs in the water.but other than that great pics!

becky said... can bite my ___!!!
thanks for bringing publicity to that horrific moment of my life. ;)

Anonymous said...

ya, about the "behind" in the picture of sandy swimming...