Thursday, August 9, 2007

here i sit...

i just visited all of you need to visit. the pictures are fun and the movies are fun too :)

i have a lot going on right now and for the next few weeks.
summer's almost over, but i'm just now starting to do stuff.
my family is leaving to go camping tomorrow afternoon.
we're going to schaffer state park. it's in elma [or at least close to elma].
we go there every year. it's a great place full of tradition and memories. i'm pretty excited to go, but now that i work i'm going to be coming into town early with my dad almost every day.
i'm really excited that i can drive now though. it gives me more freedom to come into town or stay out there.
i'm going to be having some of my friends come and spend the night with us while we're camping. that'll be really fun. i love to show people the place that i feel like i practically grew up camping at.
before my friends come out to camp, we are all going to paint my room :)
i'm painting two walls green and leaving the other two white.
i got a new dresser at ikea which i'm also really excited about. it's a really dark brown, almost black, color that will look awesome with the green wall.
i also got a new douvet [sp] cover for my comforter. it's double sided and is black and white.
i'll take a picture of my whole room when it's finished...maybe a before and after shot?
i can't wait. i've been wanting to paint my room for a long time and now i'm finally going to do it :)

the green one on the top row is the shade of green i want it to be.
i still haven't bought the paint or found the paint chips, but this is a pretty good representation of the green i want.

after schaffer, my family [+judy?] is going to go to this lake in eastern washington.
it's called lake osoyoos. what a weird name...

this map can at least give you a general idea of where it is.
the lake is really shallow and pretty warm.
since it's right on the border of wa and canada, there's border patrol boats that go back and forth along the lake all day. it's pretty cool to watch.
the closest city is about 3 miles away, but it's really small. there are no restaurants or anything. it's mostly just antique shops and stuff.
canada is about a 20 min. drive away from the place we camp, so we usually take a day trip to canada.

i'll have to put up some pictures of our new trailer for everyone to see. it's pretty nice. especially when you compare it to our old one. i'll try to put a picture of it up too.
we definitely have a nice upgrade.

my goal for these camping trips is to take a lot of pictures.
we'll see how that goes.
i hate our camera, so i don't use it very often, but we'll see how i do :)


Molly said...

i'm excited about painting your room/camping. Chafer is the shiz.
AND... i have no idea how to spell douvet.... or whatever.

Danny said...

duvet, now you know.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to go camping again! Too bad your tent is you have to listen to my snoring ZZZZZZ. :{
That is some "WILD" green for your walls girl. :0 It'll be fun though, just as long you don't get me involved. I'm alergic to paint brushes you know.

kristen said...

yay! that's so exciting about your room. I like the color. :) And i miss camping. i need to do some this summer, somehow.

Anonymous said...

i was really hoping to paint your room the violet color in the 5th row. maybe next time ;)
oh and let me know the dates you plan on having us come to schaffer and when you go to ossoyoss (i didn't even try to spell that one) id love to come, just hope it works out with my stupid soccer schedule.


kristi said...

we just updated
you'll have to check it out.
have fun camping.
is staying in a trailer really called camping? it needs a different name.
tent camping and trailer camping are really different experiences. not saying it is bad to do the trailer thing. i would if i had the option.
it just needs a name to differentiate between the 2. that is your assignment. :)

Dave said...

When "they",and you know who "they" are, talk about being "green", I don't think "they" were talking about your room. But hey, whatever floats your boat, or rubber raft, or innertube.

becky said...

there is pretty much nothing better than a freshly painted room. :)
and you can't beat the fumes.

Marianne said...

i'm just a tad grossed out about the name of that color being "flesh"

Anonymous said...

i love the green! it will go great with your new dresser and black and white. are you going to do curtains or any other fun colors in the room? i LOVE painting and redecorating. it's the best. have fun!