Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My favorite boys

I was just going to put up pictures of Judah and Beau, but as I looked at my pictures I found some I couldn't resist putting up. So I guess Judah and Beau are the only "boys."

My brothers. These pictures capture a lot :)

And I can't finish a post about my favorite boys without including a pic of my dad.

Don't worry girls...you'll be next :)


kristen said...

that's so sweet. :) Me and beckles were talking yesterday about how much we miss jeffrey and how we want to make a trip to nashville and see him in a show. we were getting all fired up.

Anonymous said...

Judah is a cutie, Beau is adoreable, your brothers are hunks but your dad is HOT!

kristi said...

i'm glad that judah made your list.

Molly said...

baby judah- my favorite
beau- so funny
jeffrey- WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!!! freaky vampire nerd face
jon- seriously, so hot!!! but don't tell joanna... or anyone else
Leonard!!! What a nice man with his hands all folded like a princess... just kidding!

Anonymous said...

Um what about the two boys that I know you secretly love??? HUGFEST!!!

Sara Hansen said...

hey molly, good thing joanna commented right after you.

I think it's NOW safe to say that Jon is hot.... without anyone listening...

Anonymous said...

you guys crack me up.....its good to know that Jon has a fan club.=)

Anonymous said...

Is that YOU saying, "don't worry girls, you'll be next..."? or is that what your dad is supossed to be "thinking"? Huuummmm.....not so sure about that.