Friday, July 20, 2007

This is for Becky...

So Becky was wondering "what the heck thoughts of an elbow means," so I shall now explain.

.justin gave me the nickname "elbow" when he first came here several years ago. I don't really know or remember what it means, but i think it has to do with my 1st initial, L. (.justin, if you read this and i'm completely wrong, I'm sorry...kind of) It stuck, but only with .justin. I'm not kidding. He is the only person who calls me elbow and when he does people always get a weird look on their face. it's actually pretty funny.

Anyway, I was trying to come up with something unique for my blog name and he suggested that it have something to do with "elbow," so I thought about it and came up with my current name.

There. I hope that helped solve some confusion.


kristi said...

i was also wondering where it originated. i know thats what he calls you, but i never knew the reason why. now i know. :)

Molly said...

it didn't phase me. i'm used to you being a freak. :)

Anonymous said...

your blog has a killer name, i dig it

Anonymous said...

Keep the name! To change it would be more confusing than the name itself. Face it, you're an elbow. How about a bit of a spiritual "the body", an elbow serves the important role of extending your arm to reach out toward someone or draw someone/something in toward you. They make connecting a much nicer process.
Besides, if there weren't elbows, arms would be really, really short and we'd all look like dorfs...yes, i said dorfs.

anita said...

...or really long and straight and we would have a really hard time doing things like brushing our teeth..and can you even imagine trying to play basketball or swimming? Yes, elbows are very important.

becky said...

thanks for the update. now i know. :) somehow it fits with your freakishly long loping legs. :)