Monday, July 2, 2007

I started my blog at a bad time.

So I'm realizing that I should have started my blog next week instead of yesterday because I'm just not going to have the ability to update for a week. That's a pretty lame start! I'm going to be super busy from now until next Monday.
The madness starts tomorrow. I'm working at the church till 3ish, then I have to come home and work in my neighbor's yard. This is becoming a common ritual for me. It's a little bit overwhelming. I get really tired of working at my neighbor's house because I do little pitiful jobs that don't seem to make a difference. I don't want to complain about them because they're old and I love to help them, but I feel very responsible. If I can't go for some reason, I feel horrible. Anyway, I have to go there tomorrow. After that, I will be rushing around trying to prepare to take our trailer out to my grandparent's house for the 4th of July. My mom and I are trying to convince my dad to let us spend the night out there tomorrow. It would be really fun.
The thing I'm looking forward to most during this busy week is the 4th. My family always goes to my grandparent's house out on the bay. We stay there all day for food, family, friends, fireworks, and a lot of fun. (no, I didn't plan the "f" thing) The 4th of July is pretty much my favorite holiday.
The thing I'm not looking as forward to in the week is basketball camp. I leave Thurs. morning at 6:30. Way to early! The camp is at Gonzaga, where the temp. will be really hot. Since it's a team camp, our team will be playing 3-4 full games a day, along with individual skill practice and 6 hours of sleep. It's insane. Some of the games are outside on cement courts in the blazing sun. I'm definitely not excited about that. By the way, did I mention that games are 40 mins. long with only a 10 min. halftime. I think I will die. I''m not exaggerating. That's a lot of practice and extreme heat, and loss of sleep for not even knowing if I'm going to play next season. But that's another story for another time...
All of that to say that I'm not going to have time (or a computer) to blog for the next week. So don't think I'm lame. I'm sure I'll have all kinds of stories and maybe even pictures from camp and the 4th when life slows down sometime next week.


.justin said...

someone invented this thing called a "tablet", and another item that leaves a trace wherever you put it called a "pen". some people use these things to "jot down" [as they say] information or thoughts.

you can't hyperlink those thoughts.
and inserting images you find on the web take some extra steps.

but maybe you can try it?

but be careful not to hurt yourself... us humans haven't done it for years!

kristi said...

I bet you will have lots to blog about when you get back. Can't wait to read it all. :)

Sara Hansen said...

isnt justin funny.

this is why I dont like sports. why do people make themselves completley miserable? I would rather just.. sit. kind of like now. haha

Molly said...

shutup Justin! YOU HAVE A BLOG YOU HAVE ABLOG YOU HAVE ABLOG!!! I'm gonna read it all the time. HOLA!

Sara Hansen said...

oh my gosh Lauree you're just so advanced!! How am I ever going to keep up with your blog AND your e-mail address?! hahaha. just kidding that's cool. thanks by the way. we should hang out this week. friday?