Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I have lots of things on my mind...

Apart from being furious with all of my close friends (I'm still trying to figure the dream thing out) I have many things on my mind. Some good, some stressful. For those of you who didn't understand the beginning comment, talk to me in person or by email because i would tend to ramble if i tried to explain here :)

The Good:
Jeff is almost in Seattle. He will be here at midnight tonight.
Jamie Cullum (his music is putting me in a great mood right now)
House sitting next week. (pool, bonfire, friends, puppy, fun)
the great conversations I've been having lately.
a day off tomorrow!

The Stress:
I don't get to see Jeff until Saturday, even though he is so close.
Women's ministries newsletter
Pens getting stolen from my desk :) (this one seems dumb, but 2 of the best pens ever have been stolen from my desk at work since I started, so I bought some new ones...)
Cleaning my room/doing laundry
House sitting next week. (responsibilities...)
Driving a car that doesn't belong to me.
Work on Thursday.
The meaning, if there one, of my recent dreams.

That's mostly it. As you can see, the stress outnumbers the good by a lot, but most of the stressful stuff will be relieved pretty quickly.
For some reason I feel like i've listed everything, but a different part of me feels like i'm holding something back. It feels almost like having to burp and not being able to. Lame.

Goodnight everyone.


Anonymous said...

Hey there cuz. i prayed for you this morning.

the dreams, i'm intrigued, email me (if you wish) jeremy.r.cleveland@intel.com I get some whoppers myself from time to time.

I'm sorry, the thing with the pens made me laugh; reminded me of the stapler - from the movie office space. Oh yea, now that you're a working girl, that movie is a must see if you haven't already ;-)

love ya,


kristi said...

Have you prayed about the dreams?
I have had really bad dreams at times in my life when I was in positions to "influence" people for Jesus. They were really bad while I was in YWAM. India especially. And then they were really bad when Justin and I were first married and he was starting up with youth ministry. But they only happen when I am sleeping alone. I have never had one when Justin is there. I really think they are spiritual attacks. Partly the nature of them (I can tell you about them later.) and partly the timing of them.
I say all that not to try to turn something that could just be weird dreams into something "super spiritual", but just so you can think about it. It sounds like all of your dreams have potential to cause division with your friendships. Dreams always seem so real, so I'm sure some feelings from your dreams carry over into your interactions with them.
I know that division is not from God, but is often used by satan.

Just some thoughts. :)

kristi said...

Oh, and just because I would pray about my dreams doesn't mean they would go away. Sometimes they would get stronger, occur more often. I don't have a explanation for that. But at least I was able to acknowledge the source of them.

Anonymous said...

I'm bracing myself for when/if that "burp" you are feeling decides to excite your body. Ready or not, I'll be here to help clean up the mess.....I love you!

Anonymous said...

Haha! I meant exit, not excite. That a free laugh "at" my expense.
You're very welcome.

.justin said...

[removes youth pastor hat]

i have office space and you can borrow it if you want. or i could bring it over tonight.

[puts it back on]

i think it's retarded that i have to do that. and it's totally against everything i believe in.

what i DO believe in is the cowardice of satan in the face of GOD. and JESUS has given me charge over my house, my wife, and my kids, and i see that he doesn't dare try to use his influence of evil and kristi's dreams when the gatekeeper [me] of my family is there. he's a bastard.
[oh wait, i forgot the hat trick i was supposed to do before i said that about the father of lies.]

Molly said...

I'M SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't tell jeremy! I can also assure you that the dream that pertains to me is in no way a part of my life and will never be and i love you.

and now the Christian crap: I get attacked by Satan (don't we all) in my dreams a lot. My worst fears, that I didn't even know were my worst fears, have cause me to wake up in a panic. Once, I dreamt that my mom died. My father went completely insane, Emma lost her mind, and Nathan became completely numb to everything. I spent the whole dream trying to find someone to help my family... it was horrifying. The next night, my dad was dead. Same thing happened. Satan will try anything to throw you off track, to scare you, or just to be super annoying!! Also, I've had dreams about myself doing things that I've done in real life. But in these dreams, I'm like watching myslef doing them and I can't stop even though real me is screaming against it. Then i wake up and feel defeated. Like I sinned in my dreams... in spite of myself, and then i tempted to do them even more when i'm awake.
well this is getting too long. Talk to Dave Hamiltion about this. He has a big theory on dreams.
Pray against them.