Thursday, July 12, 2007

Being Green

I was watching Ellen the other day and it was her "Green Show."

Let me back up a second. I have never really thought about the whole global warming and saving energy thing. It has always seemed like a total over-reaction and something pretty irrelevant. I've always thought the same about organic stuff too. It just seems like too much of a hassle to start a garden and keep it up or go to the store and buy organic foods that have no taste. I know it's better for me, but right now, I'd rather have yummy stuff to eat.

That being said, I was watching Ellen's Green Show on Tuesday and she gave a ton of tips on how to "be green." It was actually pretty cool. The thing that really caught my attention was about light bulbs. If everyone replaced 1 regular light bulb with a CFL (Compact Fluorescent Light) it would be the equivalent of taking 1 million cars off the road. In other words, it would save a TON of energy. I thought that was pretty amazing.

You can go here and read a lot more about all the different ways to save energy, pollute as little as possible, and get ideas about organic stuff. It's pretty interesting. A little can go a long way.

This is the first time all of this stuff has been put into good comparison and actually mattered to

*this is way off the topic, but everyone needs to go to my last post and read the 2nd comment my mom left. It's worth it :)


anita said...

I haven't gotten over the first comment she left where she called your dad "hot"! lol

becky said...

um...please tell me why it is that you think that organic=flavorless??

obviously it is well known that i am an organic freak, and will defend it to the death...but organic food is GOOD!!

you better still come see me tomorrow!!

Sara Hansen said...

I am really interested in the whole organic food/energy saving deal. I dont really know why those two go hand in hand... but they do! good for ellen!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever really given organic food a try? That would be my fault I guess. I don't usually buy it because of the cost NOT because of the taste. You'd better watch out girl, you may just find something new and tastey on your plate. Time to experience some "real" food for a change!
I like the saving energy light bulb thing.
In general,I'm more apt to participate in the whole "green" thing because of biblical stewardship of what God put we humans in charge of (Gen. 2:15)rather than Ellen's influence though. You know I love to laugh at and with her but I won't be easily persuaded by her 'worldly' wisdom. Enough said.
I love's good to hear your views on stuff. :)

kristen said...

1. ellen is probably my favorite talk show ever
2. i agree with beckles, organic food is good and has much better flavor, i think. You just have to be careful what kind of organic you get (not all organic is 100% organic or even 75%)
3. i'm glad you wrote this post and have now converted to the dark side of "being green" (even if you have not converted, you are slowly going that way).

kristi said...

its really hard to make choices on these things while you're living at home. i thought all of it was stupid, but now that i am "running our house" i have started caring about stuff like that. don't give up on it. :)

Molly said...

yeah the whole global warming thing has always really confused me because i don't know who to believe! I just like burning plastic when Michael is around because it bothers him- he's really into green... stuff... like green peas.

i like organic food. mostly cuase i'm like allergic to all other foods!

um, you're mother is hilarious.