Wednesday, April 9, 2008

choose your own adventure, honduras style

so i want to blog about a lot of different things about the trip but i DON'T want to #1 be boring and #2 be sitting here typing for 12 hours straight.

so here's what i've decided to do- i'm going to post a list of possible blog topics and you can leave a comment about which ones you want to hear more about. some will be really quick stories or jokes and others may take some further explanation. pictures will be included with each specific post. i'll try to write about as many as you ask for. so leave comments and tell me what to write about, and for those of you who went on the trip, enjoy the memories and laughs that will be sparked from this list [and remind me if i forget anything]! :)
  • the process of building the church
  • the first service in the church
  • traveling- bus rides, airports, etc
  • papa leslie
  • brothers in roatan
  • serio!
  • i'm a girl
  • "we call those 'players' in america"
  • how many times will glen say gringos?
  • women will go to hell if they wear jeans...
  • molestation monster
  • i hope you have more than 5 minutes of happiness
  • the clap
  • matrimonia??


Anonymous said...

i want to hear about playing "i'm a girl card" ;-)

AJ said...

what about getting (almost) married?

.justin said...

*.justin claps*

anita said...

all of them!

Anonymous said...

all of them! :)

thoughts of an elbow said...

the point of this was to avoid having to tell all of them! haha

Water Buffalo said...

Molestation Monster!!! haha (I already know the story..just wanted to hear you tell it)

Natalie said...

thanks for the "players" on the list Lauree....

bailee.b said...

clap clap clap...

i love the memories

and i pick option "e" = all of the above :)


kristen said...

"women will go to hell if they jeans" for $400 please.

and..."we call those players in america" for $200, Alex.

Anonymous said...

looks like "the elbow" has a bit of writing to do! maybe she should hold a press confrence...we'll all clammor for her to comment on each of these "very intriguing" topics.

"the mom"

Jessica said...

I vote for all the topics... : )

Sara Hansen said...


Jaynee~ said...

Time for some more adventure stories. Your audience is waiting...