Thursday, March 6, 2008

short, sweet, and to the point...that's how i roll

one of the latest compliments to my writing was this:
"...very clear and interesting."

i have heard that same comment many times. when i write, i do my best to get my point across as clearly as i can. i edit and re-edit in order to make every sentence say what it needs to, and not much more. but when i write entire papers i tend to be repetitive and, in my opinion, boring.

as much as i like to be clear on concise, i think i'm missing a lot of the fun and creative side of writing. i don't use my vocabulary as much as i could in my writing. it seems to me that everything i write (no matter what the requirements are) is written like a research paper or a textbook. it's informative and maybe interesting, but not recreational, fun reading.

i am jealous of my friends who can write what they want to say, but make it sound elegant or fun. i aspire to write like that.

i would never choose to read the things i write. not because i'm the writer and i think they suck, but because they aren't the types of things that would catch my attention and beg me to read them.

why isn't my writing style reflective of my reading preferences?


Molly said...

geez your smart
i pretty much wanted to say,"well thank you professor" when i read the last line

i have no real adviec for you or anything.... i think a lot of what you will learn in any of Carmen's classes is that everyone has a writing style and perfecting it is what makes you have an edge... do you kinda know what I mean?

Molly said...

also, "if he wanna rock, he rocks. if he wanna roll, he rolls, he can roll with the punches long as he feels like he's in control...."

bailee.b said...

well i'm actually jealous of your ability to be clear and concise because i tend to write with pretension and ambiguity. you have the ability to make points and without sounding elementary and bring those points into fruition. whereas i, inevitably will resort to 'word vomit' to get my point across.

mom point:
you're an amazing writing. be content :)

Molly said...

(psst! you don't have to be content...i'm whispering...have you read Blue Like Jazz? i'll let you borrow don't have to be content. if you don't like something, change it. not as simple as it sounds, obviously, but it can be done.)

becky said...

preach it molly... contentment is for settlers. (and by settlers i mean people who settle, not actual settlers riding in covered wagons through the plains. clarification...)

Anonymous said...

i envy your clarity in your writing then. i tend to ramble in my writing and can't be concise if my life depended on it. as bailey said, i also resort to "word vomit" to get my point across.

i wish i could write the way i do when i needed to, and clearly when i needed to.
but i can't.

molly made me want to listen to eric hutchinson.

kristen said...
