Monday, February 11, 2008

i always knew music was hiding somewhere inside me

all you really have to do is look at my family to know that music is practically the blood that pumps through us every day and keeps us going. everyone in my family can play an instrument and or/sing (actually, we can all sing but jon and i prefer keeping that to ourselves :). for those of you who don't know, i took piano lessons for 7 years when i was younger.
"what? 7 years? she must be really good!"
you wish! ha. i really don't consider myself a musician of any kind since i quit piano in 6th grade and haven't gone back. i never had a huge interest in any other instruments either so i didn't pick up anything else up when i quit. i was just done. i don't know why, but i didn't care about music nearly as much as everyone else in my family. i loved listening to it, talking about it, singing along, but i did NOT want to play it. maybe i didn't want to be "one of the williams" who could all play an instrument and created the big family band (a funny thought...). i don't remember feeling that way, but i think there's a possibility that as the youngest, i wanted to be different and have something that was my own, not my family's. i played basketball and really enjoyed it and that was enough for me.
well now i have also quit basketball and i kind of wish i was playing music. i know, everyone says that they wish they would have just stuck with it when they were young, but i don't. i'm glad i quit when i did and i'm glad i tried other things in it's place. but now, so much in my life seems to be revolving around music. my classes, my job, my spare time, everything. there are times that i wish i could do more than just sing (to myself...ha). the singing/not singing is another story for another time.
all of that to lead up to this- i wrote a song last night. i was in bed reading psalms and ran across a section that i had underlined a lot and many of the phrases jumped out at me again, so i started writing them down in my notebook. as i looked over all of them, i began to put them in different orders and as i did this, i started to create a rhythm in my mind for them. my intention wasn't to write a song, but as the rhythm came, i started also create a tune. i got the words put together in the way that i wanted them and just worked with the tune until it fit. i sang it several times before i fell asleep so that i would hopefully remember it this morning. it worked and i remembered how it went so after school i came home and no one was here so i sat down at the piano and started finding the tune again. first i was just playing the melody with one hand, but as i got more familiar and started remembering some of my old piano training, i was able to play some extra stuff with my left hand and make it sound pretty good. i'm very surprised that i was able to put it together in my brain and actually get it written out on paper.

is anyone else making the connection that i made when i sat down to write this blog?? just wondering...
i wrote a song last night. that means i wrote the music.
that means i wrote the lyrics.
anyone catching on?
i didn't have a specific audience in mind when i wrote this song. it wasn't written to please a certain group of people. but, on the other hand, it doesn't have extremely special meaning to me. i didn't write it because i'm having some sort of issue in my life and i needed to get it out. i wrote it because some words and phrases stuck out to me. so i suppose, the song and more specifically the lyrics, have more meaning to me, the writer, than they do to any audience who would hear them.
you better have caught on by now :)

i don't know if this music writing experience will help me or hurt me in my essay writing, but hopefully it will help. i don't find the lyrics i wrote to be profound or wonderful, but i do know why i wrote them and who they were intended for.
maybe now i will be able to look at my topic from a new angle and be able to determine how i feel about it more concretely.


kristen said...

:) awesome!!

.justin said...

which psalm?

bailee.b said...

you as excited as me to play and sing this for me?...
good! :)

thoughts of an elbow said...

it was a mix of phrases that stuck out to me from several psalms. they were mostly from 30-35 and also 25.

.justin said...

i've had a preference towards psalm 34 lately!

and psalm 25 by e-pop, has been very refreshing to me.

i'd be interested in seeing the lyrics.

Molly said...

i am so freakin proud of you. you don't even understand. you are the coolest, lauree. Just seriously, the coolest and I can't wait to hear it (not that you want to necessarily share it with people yet BUT i'm just saying that....I'm really super proud of you)

Kaylee said...

Wow! Look at you. You are so brave to revisit music and change. And you are soo brave to share with everyone on your blog! I hope you go with it and embrace the gifts that God gave you. Find your own nich with music and make it yours! You're wise beyond your years! ;)

kristi said...

when are you going to share the lyrics with us???