Monday, December 17, 2007

I'm a hundred kinds of crazy

i am so happy right now!
i've found several new and really great musical artists in the last hour or so and i'm just sitting here enjoying them. it's so nice. i have no responsibilities for the rest of the day...just relaxing and enjoying my afternoon. this hasn't happened in weeks so i'm really excited about it. i'm going to have the house to myself which i'm pretty sure means loud music and some horrible dancing :) i can't wait. ha.
there are a ton of things other than music that are putting me in a great mood right now. jeff comes home next sunday! yay! i have no math homework...or any homework, for that matter...i've been laughing a whole lot in the last 12 hours (yes...i laughed in the middle of the night ha). i got to see/hang out with kristen yesterday. i'm trying to juggle all of the fun plans i'm making for christmas break and it's exciting. i'm just happy about everything right now. yay for good days :)


Molly said...

John Mayer- Try

I love you're dancing!

becky said...

"on the outside i am making your latte, on the inside i am dancing."

kristen said...

haha becky, and John mayer-try=so much wonderfulness my words cannot even begin to describe.

I'm glad you're a crazy dancer. I look for any excuse to dance, as well. There is nothing like cutting a little rug to past the time :)

bailee.b said...

first of all.. I FOUND one of the best artists ever not you, ha!
and second of all.. you would dance around when no one's watching!!

Mr. John said...

good says are awesome.
i just had one.