Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I have lots of things on my mind...

Apart from being furious with all of my close friends (I'm still trying to figure the dream thing out) I have many things on my mind. Some good, some stressful. For those of you who didn't understand the beginning comment, talk to me in person or by email because i would tend to ramble if i tried to explain here :)

The Good:
Jeff is almost in Seattle. He will be here at midnight tonight.
Jamie Cullum (his music is putting me in a great mood right now)
House sitting next week. (pool, bonfire, friends, puppy, fun)
the great conversations I've been having lately.
a day off tomorrow!

The Stress:
I don't get to see Jeff until Saturday, even though he is so close.
Women's ministries newsletter
Pens getting stolen from my desk :) (this one seems dumb, but 2 of the best pens ever have been stolen from my desk at work since I started, so I bought some new ones...)
Cleaning my room/doing laundry
House sitting next week. (responsibilities...)
Driving a car that doesn't belong to me.
Work on Thursday.
The meaning, if there one, of my recent dreams.

That's mostly it. As you can see, the stress outnumbers the good by a lot, but most of the stressful stuff will be relieved pretty quickly.
For some reason I feel like i've listed everything, but a different part of me feels like i'm holding something back. It feels almost like having to burp and not being able to. Lame.

Goodnight everyone.

Friday, July 20, 2007

This is for Becky...

So Becky was wondering "what the heck thoughts of an elbow means," so I shall now explain.

.justin gave me the nickname "elbow" when he first came here several years ago. I don't really know or remember what it means, but i think it has to do with my 1st initial, L. (.justin, if you read this and i'm completely wrong, I'm sorry...kind of) It stuck, but only with .justin. I'm not kidding. He is the only person who calls me elbow and when he does people always get a weird look on their face. it's actually pretty funny.

Anyway, I was trying to come up with something unique for my blog name and he suggested that it have something to do with "elbow," so I thought about it and came up with my current name.

There. I hope that helped solve some confusion.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

It should be easy, shouldn't it???

I think every christian goes through a time of being unhappy with church and especially worship. I also think that most christians who have a blog write something in it about how/why they are unhappy and what people need to do to make it better.

There is the first problem. PEOPLE don't need to do anything. It's all between God and the worshiper. It doesn't matter how you worship, as long as your heart is in the right place. It shouldn't matter what other people do or what you want them to do. They worship in one way, you worship in another. It's all for the same God right?

I'm hoping to write this blog with a lot of insight as the "worship leader's daughter" and from coming from a pretty traditional christian family (who is very music revolving). I really hope this is useful.

I came to the realization that it doesn't matter how it just matters who you worship, several months ago. I think i've had that mentality for a while, but it finally became real about 3 months ago when we visited Jeff and got to see how his church service was done. Since i didn't have a blog then, I didn't write anything about it, but today we got a recording of one of his church services in the mail and I re-realized some of that stuff.

Jeff's church is a small, black church. Maybe 100 (?) people in the congregation. They meet at a local high school. Opposite of FBC tradition, the worship team doesn't have any type of practice during the week or before the service. They come in on Sunday morning, play the music they feel God has led them to play, and do it for God only. Not to please people.

Most people reading this know me well enough to know that I am totally not a racist person AT ALL, but you may have noticed that I described Jeff's church as a black church. That shouldn't really matter, but I believe that in most instances, black people have the right idea- it doesn't matter that the songs sung on Sunday are 10 or 20 years old. It doesn't matter if they are hymns. It doesn't matter if they are loud. What matters is that they praise and glorify God.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like predominantly white churches are the ones who have trouble pleasing people and in turn may not please God. After experiencing Jeff's church, I feel like those people really get it. They don't care that they are singing an out of date song. They don't care that one song is really loud. They don't care when the person standing next to them in church worships God by dancing or yelling or clapping. It doesn't matter! They have a one-on-one, personal relationship with God. That's what church and worship should be about.

Anyone who has led worship at FBC has gotten some kind of complaint about the song choice, the volume, or the instruments. People who leave comments like that just need to give up and, instead, encourage those who are trying to lead people to a place where they can experience God. They need to stop worrying about the dumb little stuff and just let it be what it is and have that personal relationship with God. Let go of what you're used to. Experience something new and different. Experience God.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Being Green

I was watching Ellen the other day and it was her "Green Show."

Let me back up a second. I have never really thought about the whole global warming and saving energy thing. It has always seemed like a total over-reaction and something pretty irrelevant. I've always thought the same about organic stuff too. It just seems like too much of a hassle to start a garden and keep it up or go to the store and buy organic foods that have no taste. I know it's better for me, but right now, I'd rather have yummy stuff to eat.

That being said, I was watching Ellen's Green Show on Tuesday and she gave a ton of tips on how to "be green." It was actually pretty cool. The thing that really caught my attention was about light bulbs. If everyone replaced 1 regular light bulb with a CFL (Compact Fluorescent Light) it would be the equivalent of taking 1 million cars off the road. In other words, it would save a TON of energy. I thought that was pretty amazing.

You can go here and read a lot more about all the different ways to save energy, pollute as little as possible, and get ideas about organic stuff. It's pretty interesting. A little can go a long way.

This is the first time all of this stuff has been put into good comparison and actually mattered to me...wow.

*this is way off the topic, but everyone needs to go to my last post and read the 2nd comment my mom left. It's worth it :)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My favorite boys

I was just going to put up pictures of Judah and Beau, but as I looked at my pictures I found some I couldn't resist putting up. So I guess Judah and Beau are the only "boys."

My brothers. These pictures capture a lot :)

And I can't finish a post about my favorite boys without including a pic of my dad.

Don't worry girls...you'll be next :)

Monday, July 9, 2007

The worst 4 days of my life- I'm not kidding

I had a hard time trying to figure out what the title of this one should be. Here were some of the contenders:

  • Biggest waste of $280
  • I have strep throat
  • I don't actually want to play basketball anymore

With those 3 additional titles you should be able to figure out how this blog is gonna go. Actually, let's just make those titles little subtitles and I'll tell you why each of them is true...

Biggest waste of $280
Before I begin my rant about money, let me say that I am thankful that we went to a different camp this year than last year because last year's camp cost $360. That's way too much for 4 or 5 days of camp where 2 of the days are spent riding for 8 hours in the car.
So this year the b-ball camp was at Gonzaga for 4 days. (i don't really remember what I wrote in the last post so I hope I'm not too repetitive) For those of you who don't know where Gonzaga is, it's in Spokane, only a few minutes away from Whitworth where we have gone to camp in the past. So far I have given you a lot of unneeded information, but this will go somewhere, I promise.
We left Shelton at 7:00 am on Thursday and arrived in spokane at around 1:00. We took a few pit stops for food and at the stuff. Then, before we went to Gonzaga we went to a mall in spokane. Some of the girls thought it was really cool and big. I didn't find it that impressive. Anyway, we ate lunch at the food court where I ordered a slice of pizza. It was all fine and good. No sore throat. (if you read bullet or "subtitle" number two, that comment will make more sense).
Now I'm skipping a few hours ahead. We played our first game of camp and did some individual skills and a thing called "team concepts." Team concepts was one of the things that made the $280 too expensive. I didn't find those 40 mins. to be very enlightening. Anyway, we did those three things and.....wait.....I never mentioned that the whole time we were playing and sitting and doing drills on the TENNIS COURTS the temperature was 105 degrees. I capitalize TENNIS COURTS because they actually create more heat and cause the temp you're feeling to be 10 degrees hotter. Great.
By the time we were done with the things I mentioned, we had dinner and watched the varsity play a game. Then we headed back to our hotel (more on the hotel later). At dinner, we had an outdoor bbq, which was really lame because it was still scorchingly hot and there is practically no shade where they had the bbq set up. I ate a burger and some other stuff, but as I ate, my throat began to not want me to eat or swallow or anything. By night time, my throat was so swollen I could hardly swallow water or even my own spit....nasty.
I'm sure that what I have written so far has not convinced you that this camp was a waste of money, but give me time...you will be convinced.

I have strep throat
Let's jump ahead a few days from thursday to today...an hour ago actually. I just got back from the doctor where they swabbed my throat and it immediately tested positive that I do have strep throat. Big time suckiness. The worst part is not being able to swallow. It's not cool. My mom made me jello and I couldn't eat it. Can anyone tell me what is softer than jello???
Ok, so back to thursday night. I didn't want to be at camp in the first place, then I started to feel really crappy. My throat really hurt, I was hot, and I was tired. I'm sure the rest of the girls felt the last two things, but it just makes my throat situation seem worse if I add them to my list :) I had a hard time sleeping Thurs. night because I couldn't breathe normally. And maybe you don't know this, but I learned it over the weekend- you have to swallow a lot in your sleep. Those of you who drool excessively in your sleep need to work on sleep swallowing. Not being able to swallow was very hard and I ended up drooling so much in my sleep and I hardly ever drool. It was really gross.
So I woke up Friday morning at around 7:00 and felt way worse than the night before. I told my coach i wasn't feeling well and she could tell i didn't feel well because i guess i looked like it too. Awesome. (if for some reason you don't really know me very well and you're reading this, i should let you know that i'm very sarcastic and sarcasm isn't the easiest thing to create in writing. just keep that in mind as you read this :)
Our team had a game at 9:00 and my coach told me that she would just sub me in for people here and there so I didn't have to play a ton. I ended up playing about 5 mins out of that game. Then we had the extremely useful team concepts...grrr and a 3 on 3 tournament at the tennis courts. I sat out the 3 on 3, which actually turned out alright because there were 7 girls on the team and when you take me out that makes 6...2 perfect 3 on 3 teams. That math was for you Molly :)
Lunch was next. I went through the line and got some food. This is what I could tolerate eating- 3 cherry tomatoes, 1 little slice of cucumber, and 3 bites of soft looking snickerdoodle. Since I was so tired, i just laid my head down on the table and tried to sleep. I think I dozed off once, but i never really slept. Actually, I cried a little bit. My throat hurt that bad and i really didn't want to be at b-ball camp.
After my coaches realized that I really couldn't eat anything and I really didn't feel good they decided to take me back to the hotel. Here's the quick story about the hotel:

The camp overbooked the Gonzaga dorms so they had to send some teams to nearby hotels. Our team was chosen because we were one of the teams that had to travel the farthest to get there. We were all so excited. We got our own bathrooms/showers, bigger beds (I didn't have to share one!), a pool, TV, and best of all AC! It turned out to be a great situation :)

So the varsity coach, Wallwork, took me back to the hotel and I stayed there until dinner. I went back and tried to eat again. This time my meal consisted of a meatball and a half, and 2 bites of fried rice. That's it. No joke. I then went to my team's last game of the day and kept the score and ran the clock and stuff. It was good to be involved. After that I went and saw the trainer who took my temp. and I had no fever, but he didn't even look in my throat to see if he could tell me if I needed go to a doctor or something. He just said to drink lots of water and get more sleep. What a helpful guy. I already knew that.
My coach took me back to the hotel and I stayed there the rest of the night...and all day Saturday....and all morning Sunday. The hotel bed and I were best friends :) I slept, ate nothing, watched a lot of tv, and hardly talked to anyone at all. Wait, I lied. My mom had a friend (actually more like a friend's sister) who lives in Spokane come and look at my throat (since no one else would) and bring me a milkshake and some cough drops and stuff. That was very nice.
She decided that I probably had strep and she was right.

I don't actually want to play basketball anymore
This is a very true statement. I think I knew this before the whole camp experience, but i went to camp partially because i wanted to give b-ball another try and partially because we had already paid and I didn't have a good reason to back out...until i got there of course....stupid.
So you may be like, wait a second, Lauree loves basketball. Why would she want to stop playing? When did she decide that?
I have kind of been feeling this way since the middle to end of last season. I think it's mostly because I know what I want to do with my life and basketball is DEFINITELY not it. It has been something that is really hard for me to decide and admit. I've lost lots of hours of sleep over this, but I really do think it's best for me to focus on school and work and accomplishing what i want to do with life. I know i'm not going to go far with basketball. I know i'm not that great of a player. I don't want to waste my time with something that i'm not going to pursue in the future. All of this is VERY hard to admit and even think about because I still love basketball and I still enjoy it, but i really am done playing competitively. I'm sure i will miss playing during b-ball season and I will miss my friends and there will probably be a void for a while, but I believe it's the right decision. I don't want to be uneasy and worrying all season like I was last year.
This isn't a set in stone final decision about not playing next season, but it's almost for sure.

Not wanting to play ball next season is definitely a big reason why this camp was a waste of money and time.

I had a lot of time to think about all of these things during my sick days at camp and it's all very hard for me. We'll see how it all turns out, but now you know why I had the 4 worst days of my life.

Thanks for reading this extra long post. And if you didn't actually read it, that's ok. I skim too :)

Monday, July 2, 2007

I started my blog at a bad time.

So I'm realizing that I should have started my blog next week instead of yesterday because I'm just not going to have the ability to update for a week. That's a pretty lame start! I'm going to be super busy from now until next Monday.
The madness starts tomorrow. I'm working at the church till 3ish, then I have to come home and work in my neighbor's yard. This is becoming a common ritual for me. It's a little bit overwhelming. I get really tired of working at my neighbor's house because I do little pitiful jobs that don't seem to make a difference. I don't want to complain about them because they're old and I love to help them, but I feel very responsible. If I can't go for some reason, I feel horrible. Anyway, I have to go there tomorrow. After that, I will be rushing around trying to prepare to take our trailer out to my grandparent's house for the 4th of July. My mom and I are trying to convince my dad to let us spend the night out there tomorrow. It would be really fun.
The thing I'm looking forward to most during this busy week is the 4th. My family always goes to my grandparent's house out on the bay. We stay there all day for food, family, friends, fireworks, and a lot of fun. (no, I didn't plan the "f" thing) The 4th of July is pretty much my favorite holiday.
The thing I'm not looking as forward to in the week is basketball camp. I leave Thurs. morning at 6:30. Way to early! The camp is at Gonzaga, where the temp. will be really hot. Since it's a team camp, our team will be playing 3-4 full games a day, along with individual skill practice and 6 hours of sleep. It's insane. Some of the games are outside on cement courts in the blazing sun. I'm definitely not excited about that. By the way, did I mention that games are 40 mins. long with only a 10 min. halftime. I think I will die. I''m not exaggerating. That's a lot of practice and extreme heat, and loss of sleep for not even knowing if I'm going to play next season. But that's another story for another time...
All of that to say that I'm not going to have time (or a computer) to blog for the next week. So don't think I'm lame. I'm sure I'll have all kinds of stories and maybe even pictures from camp and the 4th when life slows down sometime next week.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

starting out

After thinking a lot, I decided to create a blog. Kristi, Justin, and others did a lot of prompting and finally convinced me to start one. Kristi also reassured me that i would have a lot to write about even though I don't feel like it right now. I hope I do find things to write about because I don't want to waste people's time with insanely long ramblings that don't lead to anything.

We'll see how this goes.

For the future, I like a lot of input on things I write because if I don't get any comments, I just figure that no one read it or thought it was worth reading.

I hope you enjoy the thoughts of an elbow.